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In Case You Didn't Notice

You have a Tic-Tac-Toe game now to your right. Give yourself a break.

There is this new ‘Zeitgeist’ section with some hopefully interesting stats about this blog. I would like you to notice the ‘Top Commenters’. I hope you will give them a fight!

Cave ManI will take this moment to nag you to: 1. Sign my 100th post, if you haven’t done it so far (by now it must be obvious to you that I am pretty serious about it) 2. Join the stock market game and give it a shot. It carries $25 prize. Look at this inspired dude, walking to the nearest internet cafe!

If you want this blog to be better, I need your feedback. Absolutely Positively Immediately Abundantly.

No matter what, don’t forget to view the video in the previous post!

You got to try: Notepad2 - Notepad on steroids Genpass - Beautiful concept SlickRun - You will wonder how you did without it

[Credit: GIFAnimations]

phoe6 wrote on Nov 27, 2005:
Notepad2 - Notepad on steroids
TG u said Notepad. For editing-Vim.
Kirubakaran wrote on Nov 27, 2005:
dude... i know u feel pretty strong about vim. i've tried it only long time ago. the two modes were pissing me off. but i didn't give it a fair chance. i dumped it before getting past the learning curve. back then i was feeling that it was masochistic to use vim. plz don't be offended. i just being honest & open.

but since u r into vim evangelization, it must be have great merits. i will definitely give it a good shot this time and let u know.
dap wrote on Nov 27, 2005:
hi kiruba,
phoe6 wrote on Nov 27, 2005:
yeah, unknowning it seems evangalism. (for good or for worse). But usage wise, I have liked using vim and try to study it more.
Reasons. I find it insanely logical in few things. :)

A good one to begin should be Bill Joy's original paper:

Plus there is always some amusement left when you get to learn something new or the other everyday.

Yeah. there is more to go :( and learning curve is also pretty steep. But once done. ppl might enjoy using it. :) quite like Linux. :)
maniosai wrote on Nov 28, 2005:
Here is an idea to really promote you blog. Send mail to everyone of your friends with a thought for the day, a news snippet and link to your blog.

Do something new
Jagan wrote on Nov 28, 2005:
dude ..had been out of town .hadnt got a chance to look at the game :-( .also got to ctach up with ur posts :-) .