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"The Fire Within"

Five guys got together in college and made a music album. (I was curious to know which college - but that info has so far proved elusive) I haven’t heard the music yet - but it is exciting to even know that they have just got it done. Great days ahead for the fresh new talent, I think…

Check them out… Certainly something TamilNadu has been waiting for.

bharat wrote on Feb 13, 2006:
Thanks for the wishes kirubakaran.
Kirubakaran wrote on Feb 13, 2006:
hey bharat! thanks for dropping by! wishing you all success!!
bharat wrote on Feb 13, 2006:
Thanks mate. uploaded a song.
karthik aka katz wrote on Feb 14, 2006:
thx for the support dude...will try to pack u a cd for all the things u've done for us :)

btw i'm the KATZ
Kirubakaran wrote on Feb 14, 2006:
katz! that would be wonderful. you guys are awesome!! :-D

lemme see what more i can do here to help your success in any tiny way i can.