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n = blessings.count()

Well, this doesn’t work when you are deep into some worry. But when you are like on the fence, counting your blessings may help cheer you up. “May”.

But think about it: one of the primary tasks of your mind is to solve problems. Your problems. “Will I ever get a good girlfriend or am I doomed to loneliness?” “What am I doing with my life?” “Am I happy? Can I be happier? What could I be doing different?” …ad infinitum… What good is a mind that thinks about what is going right? From the point of view of a highly efficient mind, that time could be better spent solving problems (instead of thinking ‘wow I am in heaven’ all the time). Hence the tendency of the mind to dwell on problems. If you solve certain problems, mind moves on to worry about another set of problems. Inefficient minds of inefficient people, on the other hand, will be happier by definition. But, if the purpose of life is to be happy, then this ‘highly efficient’ approach is totally inefficient, right?

So I thought of a small list. I don’t know what your blessings are - but I do know what your curses are not (probably).

Here goes. Read forth and feel better!

  1. (If you are a guy) You didn’t walk into the bar that Marsellus Wallace did.
  2. (If you are unmarried) Your SO didn’t cheat on you with your best friend.
  3. (If you are a girl) No worry about getting it caught in the zipper.
  4. (If you are blind) You won’t have a reason to yell “Don’t you have anything better to do?” at me
If you are still down, Ugh 2 Yay might pull you back up. May be not yet - it is still ‘under development’ - but soon.

Until then, may be you can watch Demetri Martin. (’awesome’ is the word)

maniosai wrote on Jun 14, 2007:
hai kiruba, nice to see you back.

If the primary task of our mind is to solve problems, by God all problems in the world would have been solved so long ago. What your mind thinks is what you think? So if your mind thinks that it is its priority to solve problems and so do you. Then there are times when the mind thinks that everything is going to hell and you think so. Then there are times when the mind thinks that everything is going fine and that you can overcome all obstacles and you think so.

Mind is a beautiful tool and if you are its master, there is nothing like that. People who are slaves of the mind are the most unhappy people in the world.

As Osho says " Observe the mind"
Kirubakaran wrote on Jun 15, 2007:
Mani, okay I'll try to observe my mind as an outsider. Did you see Demetri's videos?

"If the primary task of our mind is to solve problems, by God all problems in the world would have been solved so long ago."
What if the problem is that the mind is designed to dwell on problems? :-p