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Comes Back To Bite You In The...

#1 reason people don’t blog is that they don’t want to go on record on anything and be embarrassed later. “I’ll have kids some day and they’ll grow up and read my blog post that compares and contrasts the rear end of Jessica Simpson and Beyonce”. They think their blog posts will become their Clinton letters.

I don’t think that a life time of carefully guarded gray image of yourself is what we need. It is very liberating if you speak your mind and let the chips fall where they may. I hate the grayness imposed on you in the name of “responsibility” (for your future self / kids / “society”).

Conservatives make me want to throw up anyway. They might as well mummify themselves. The God that these guys so strongly believe in will shake his head and tell them “what a dull barren life you have led! what a fucking waste! I created the cows and the sheep to be conservative. Why the hell did I give you humans a large frontal lobe?”. But that doesn’t matter as there mostly likely is no God and these guys are going to live their boring conservative lives and die and become dust. Problem occurs only when they try to impose their lifestyle on the rest of us.

With blogs being so prevalent and Google being so thorough, I think it will soon become socially acceptable to have said whatever in your past life coz everyone would have said whatever themselves.

Few thought provoking essays on the topic: You Should Write Blogs - Steve Yegge What You Can’t Say - Paul Graham … End Of Leadership? - Dave Pollard

Edit: Manikantan left such an great comment that I have to include it in this post itself:

Point taken.

I read somewhere that the only best thing we can teach our kids are the mistakes we have done in our life and assure them that it Ok to make mistakes and still have a good life learning from it.

Creativity is nothing but mistakes/weird stuff that get appreciated later.

1 comment
Manikantan wrote on Aug 05, 2007:
Point taken.

I read somewhere that the only best thing we can teach our kids are the mistakes we have done in our life and assure them that it Ok to make mistakes and still have a good life learning from it.

Creativity is nothing but mistakes/weird stuff that get appreciated later.