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The Movie Madness Continues

On trying to list the movies that I watched in 2007, I was shocked. The list is not comprehensive - I am pretty sure I missed a whole bunch of them. Still the count is 70+!

Movies Seen In 2007 (Google Doc Spreadsheet)

I briefly entertained the thought that I should cut back on movies, and then thought - what the hell. It is one of my primary relaxation activities. There is nothing like sitting together, eating and seeing a nice movie.

[Thanks Ruchi, for your help with the list]

Chandana wrote on Jun 04, 2008:
Hey..Kiruba how r u doing?

I was just looking through your blogs..its been a really long time.
Would it be possible for you to rate those movies in your spreadsheet..if its not much trouble for you, I'd like to pick the ones that are really good, rather than parse through the whole list!!..:)
Chandana wrote on Jun 04, 2008:
Hey..Kiruba how r u doing?

I was just looking through your blogs..its been a really long time.
Would it be possible for you to rate those movies in your spreadsheet..if its not much trouble for you, I'd like to pick the ones that are really good, rather than parse through the whole list!!..:)
Chandana wrote on Jun 04, 2008:
oops..I think I just clicked the publish button twice..
Kirubakaran A wrote on Jun 10, 2008:
Hi Chandana! Nice to hear from you!! It is a lot of work to rate all the movies... but I can make movie recommendations for you, if you like. Tell me some of the movies that you like please...